Cloud-First Services Are Key To Creating An Agile Offering For Your Clients


We know that technology is moving at an ever increasing pace globally. This can bring both challenges and opportunities for organisations, not least additional costs and skill requirements.

According to a recent report from Dell and Intel, the industry leaders of tomorrow are already using technology to gain and maintain a competitive advantage over their peers. It’s well documented that Cloud first services can offer an important source of strategic advantage and transform digital capabilities for businesses.

What do we mean by agile? Put it simply it’s the ability to move quickly and easily or in a business context, it’s a companies’ ability to identify and adapt to new opposition by implementing changes quickly and effectively.

But how can cloud solutions create a more agile offering for your clients?

Cloud platforms can help your business to activate new digital customer experiences in days rather than months and enable your teams to work seamlessly and collaboratively from any location. A study conducted by the Harvard Business Review found that business agility was the primary reason for 32% of respondents when choosing to adopt the cloud.

Forward-thinking businesses have already begun to incorporate cloud into their risk-assessment frameworks and decision making on risk. According to a recent report from Mckinsey Digital executives have traditionally been nervous to move to cloud because of security concerns whereas the reality now is that the security offered by cloud service providers often outstrips companies individual capacity.

Take Bundledocs for example, we have been awarded ISO 27001 certification, the recognised international standard for information security – the only electronic document bundling software to have received this accreditation. The certification is awarded to businesses that can prove their systems protect user information both internally and externally.

At Bundledocs, demand for our paperless solution has increased by over 40% in recent months as Covid 19 meant remote working became the norm for so many professionals in the legal space and beyond. By switching to our cloud based solution they now benefit from continuous software updates with new functionalities and features added regularly.

Bundledocs market leading cloud software is the ultimate tool for today’s paperless lawyer, now sold in over 30 countries worldwide - once you take the first step, the sky’s the limit when it comes to the advantages of the cloud.

Join thousands of existing customers globally and start your free trial today.

How Can Law Firms Embrace More Sustainable Practices In Line With Global Ambition?

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There has been a global shift when it comes to implementing more sustainable practises.  Law firms are no exception, with many now recognising that implementing sustainable business practises is vital to long term business success.

But what is sustainability and how can law firms better embrace it?

Sustainability is most often defined as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. The term sustainability is not only about individuals and environmental factors, but it also involves creating value for all stakeholders, be that through social purpose or maximising profits.

While the Sustainable Development Goals may initially appear challenging, here are some first steps that law firms can take to pursue more sustainable practices:

Embrace New Technologies

When it comes to integrating sustainable practises within a business – technology can play a really positive role. Many firms are already embracing digital solutions as the look to reduce their carbon footprint and better operate remotely. Where previously employees would travel to meetings, they are now conducted via online platforms such as Zoom and Teams. Last year for example, at Bundledocs we saw a 40% increase for our solutions, the dramatic shift to remote working gave businesses the push they needed to take advantage of the cloud.


Reduce Paper Use

The reduction of paper use in law firms is favourable all around - reducing direct environmental impact whilst also reducing business costs and increasing digital collaboration.

While this practise is beneficial for the environment it also assists in reducing overall costs for the business. One of our Bundledocs partners, Hilary Hallen, Senior Learning and Development Trainer, Knights PLC explains the benefit they saw “In addition to saving paper, there is also timesaving, which can be attributed to the technology, of course – and which in turn means a better experience for the person carrying out the task as part of their working day”.

Promote Diversity

Being sustainable does not focus solely on the environment. For law firms to implement effective sustainability strategies they must look at their internal practises. Many law firms are now making commitments to ensure that they prioritise diversity within their workplace affording equal opportunities to all. A diverse workforce ensures that all clients' needs can be met. To make progress within this area law firms are making a commitment and engaging with the Mansfield rule.


While making changes in terms of environmental impact are important – law firms cannot forget the power of engaging in social purpose to achieve their sustainability goals. Through implementing small changes – over time sustainability can become a greater part of the overall business strategy. Like all businesses law firms must start somewhere – so don’t put it off.


If you are looking to make a step towards a more sustainable future for your firm contact us today to discuss our e-bundling solution.

Celebrating the opportunities and obstacles of 2020

2020 was a year like no other. Our CEO, Brian Kenneally took time to reflect on the year that was.


When reflecting on last year, both personally and as CEO of Bundledocs, I am so proud of everything that we have overcome.

None of us could have envisioned the abrupt move to working from home, yet so many of us have adapted over the past ten months. I do not believe anyone can say it was a seamless transition. Even with multiple resources readily available to us, we all had to adjust.

Our customers have and always will be our top priority.
— Brian Kenneally, CEO

Our customers have and always will be our top priority. The team at Bundledocs has seen a cultural shift among our customers - it has been amazing to see how quickly people have adapted. Once the right tools and training were in place, our customers surprised themselves, adapting quickly and reaping the benefits.

Despite the immense challenges that 2020 brought, there were moments and achievements we should stop and celebrate too. Here are a few of my highlights:  

  • At the beginning of the year, we welcomed Nick Goldrick, Head of Sales in APAC. We also welcomed Senior Software Engineer, Mary McSweeney and Account Specialist, Pauric O’Connor.

  • Demand for our cloud solutions grew by 40%. The legal sector, one that would traditionally be resistant to change - transformed virtually overnight. With 800 clients in 34 countries, we worked together to ensure our solutions amplified the potential and productivity of their businesses.

  • As demand for cloud solutions increased, we endeavoured to ensure our clients data was always protected. We received ISO 27001 accreditation, a measure that mitigates against data loss and theft. We are the only electronic document bundling software to have received this accreditation.

  • We received G-Cloud 12 accreditation – allowing for public service enterprises in the UK to procure our solutions to improve the way they operate.

I would like to sincerely thank all our customers that trusted us to partner with you during the past year. If there is one thing that we have all learned from 2020 it is that we must celebrate the highs despite the lows and embrace the positives that come from change.

If embracing cloud solutions is your priority for 2021 check out our e-bundling solution.

How law firms can embrace automation to speed up legal processes

Embracing automation can improve processes within legal firms and reduce costs. For some, there may be a reluctance to trust when it comes to automation, with some potential security concerns. However, in many cases security can be positively influenced by embracing automation.

We’ve examined a few ways in which your firm can embrace automation to improve your businesses functions and speed up legal processes: 

1.      Transform manual processes into efficient workflows

Traditionally, the work of legal firms has been done via paper records, kept in large binders on office shelves. However, this process of maintaining and managing files takes time, space and resources from other areas within the firm.

In order to reduce this time-consuming practice, firms should look to introduce an electronic bundling system – freeing up personnel for more important tasks.  

When it comes to preparing and updating documents, there is no comparison between a physical file and an e-bundle. With e-bundles, information can be added and redacted at any stage, eliminating the need to restart a file and ensuring client confidentiality throughout the process.

2.      Foster greater remote collaboration with improved security

In a recent survey, 67% of lawyers said that they would like to remain working remotely and would be open to splitting their time between the office and home. Remote working has disrupted normal ways of working and it is most likely here to stay. Firms need to be able to adapt with confidence to ensure they remain competitive.

Cloud-based e-bundles are ideal for remote collaboration across teams, eliminating the need to send multiple PDF bundles back and forth. E-bundles can be shared and edited instantly. They also boast high security measures that cannot be compared to a lever arch file.

Remove unnecessary headaches linked to sharing files via individual personal computers. Instead create a single bundle and grant access to anyone you need to work on the bundle via the cloud. Embracing this practice improves collaboration whilst ensuring the utmost security process are in place, no matter where your team is located.

Remote court hearings are now also an increasing reality – creating an immediate need for confidential documents to be shared in a secure and efficient manner. Unlike sharing files via email for example, cloud-based e-bundles allow for documents to be delivered securely ensuring confidentiality.

At Bundledocs, our e-bundling system is ISO 27001 certified. This global certification is awarded to businesses that can prove their systems protect user information both internally and externally.

3.      Stay competitive and create a modern service offering

The shift from paper to digital is well underway. Client expectations within this area are continually growing. To keep up with modern clients, a modern service delivery must be adopted. Clients are no longer will to wait for outdated postal services but expect instant communication.

By choosing e-bundling solutions you reduce unnecessary printing, not only helping the environment but also cutting overhead costs and saving time for both firms and their clients.

With more than 700 clients, including leading law firms, across 34 countries, you can trust Bundledocs to provide a robust cloud-based document e-bundling service for your organisation.

Is your law firm interested in automating your physical files into secure e-bundles? Get in touch with us today or start your free trial now.

Five ways leading law firms can save time and money now

The pandemic has not only disrupted our work environments but has forced us all as businesses to consider ways to cut costs and increase efficiencies - Law firms are no exception. Here are our top five tips to save your law firm time and money:  

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1.      Embrace Digital Transformation

When employees were based in the office sharing physical documents was still the norm across many law firms globally. The pandemic has significantly disrupted this practice.

Firms now need to consider creating document bundles that can be instantly shared with employees and clients around the world via secure cloud solutions.


2.      Maintain A Remote Workforce

As more employees work from home, in many cases the cost associated with maintaining an office has decreased. Less money spent on overhead costs such as heating and lighting allows for further investment to be made in other areas of the firm.

Maintaining a remote workforce also ensures that the business premises can be used more productively for business activities such as meetings, training and necessary on site work.


3.      Conference Call v Meeting

The increase in online conference calls has shown us what can be done online as opposed to in the boardroom or meeting rooms. In many cases, law firms were previously incurring significant costs in relation to travel to and from meetings unnecessarily.  

By embracing conference calling where possible your firm can save on both time and money on an ongoing basis whilst maintaining a quality service. Of course there are occasions where in person meetings will occur but let these be the exception.

4.      Choose the right technology

In the past many law firms have looked to on premise storage solutions in order to manage documents. Not only is there a difference in the financial cost of having on premise solutions, they require additional investment in terms of technical involvement and security.

An on premise solution requires on site staff responsible for maintaining this infrastructure. Similarly, an on premise solution requires in-house staff to manage its security. Not to mention the setup and on-going maintenance charges.

Our own electronic document bundling solution allows for documents to be hosted on the cloud, reducing overall costs and maximising security when compared to an on premise solutions.


5.      Use email where possible instead of written correspondence

Traditionally correspondence between clients and law firms would have been conducted by post. However, the cost of producing and sending letters has increased over time with a standard letter costing at least €1 to send. There is also an environmental cost associated with using paper correspondence.

Where possible firms should look to conduct communications over email. This could cut costs and does not compromise security as it is a secure way of sharing information with clients. It is also a more sustainable way of conducting business, which will benefit the business in the future.

At Bundledocs our service allows for documents to be stored securely, shared instantly around the world, and for a further peace of mind, they can be password protected.

Find out more information on our service offerings here or waste no time and start your free trial today.