How Do I Delete a Bundle from Bundledocs?

Need to delete a bundle from your bundledocs account and unsure how? In today’s post we will take you through the 4 simple steps needed to delete a bundle. Let’s discover how.


How to Delete a Bundle

Our support team are sometimes asked, if there’s a quick way to delete a bundle? There sure is and it only takes a few steps. Here’s how it’s done…

  1. Visit Bundledocs via

  2. From the home page, select the ‘Edit Details’ button to the right of your bundle

  3. The ‘Update Bundle’ window will appear. Select the red X in the bottom left of the window

  4. A confirmation window will then appear. If you would like to delete this bundle, confirm by selecting ‘OK’. Your bundle will be instantly deleted from Bundledocs

That’s it. Your bundle has now been successfully deleted from your account. If you’ve any other queries about Bundledocs make sure to get in touch with our support team. Or why not download a copy of our manual - it covers everything you need to know!